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170921-170940 of all 182,419 gems.
170,9172,013line_loginLine Login 2.1 Client for Ruby
170,9172,013omniauth-freeagent-oauth2FreeAgent authentication strategy for OmniAuth
170,9172,013ramnagarThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
170,9172,013feedforce_sample_gemWrite a longer description or delete this line.
170,9252,012omniauth-practicefusionLets you use Practice Fusion as a strategy for your omniauth login flows
170,9252,012clock_timeRuby library for clock time.
170,9252,012technophile-jekyll-themeThis is a Jekyll theme for setting up your portfolio including resume, blog, online store.
170,9252,012twing_earchEarch for Twing
170,9252,012wemo_deviceGenerate Sparkle appcast.xml
170,9252,012virtual_travel_agentThis is a brief description
170,9252,012referral_gemrefers patients to hospital if condition is critical
170,9252,012tippy_NextoliveA gem for geneating tips values based on.
170,9252,012hold_the_fortGenerates hashes with sample data
170,9342,011foodie_davidBasically my first trial with Gemfile and how to use it.
170,9342,011infinite_payInfinitePay payment library to start transaction in DaFunk Runtime
170,9342,011spaceinvadersSpaceinvaders invaders detection gem.
170,9342,011todoable_wrapperA Teachable todo list gem
170,9342,011graphql-engineGraphql is the best developer experience you can have while building api's. We make doi...
170,9342,011farhangemA simple hello world gem
170,9342,011ex-ioA gem that is coming soon.