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170901-170920 of all 182,419 gems.
170,8902,014hmc_vios_aixA set of libraries and tools to manage a IBM PowerVM infrastructure
170,8902,014huginn_fisheye_agentTrigger Fisheye to index a repository after changes are pushed
170,8902,014mane_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application
170,8902,014rails_magic_renamerRename rails models, magically. Pre-release, not production ready
170,8902,014ruby_risingWrite a longer description or delete this line.
170,8902,014unico-trainingCommon resources for nobe projects like countries, states, cities, people, etc.
170,8902,014markwoj_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
170,8902,014deconstructableThis gem provides Deconstructable, a mixin module that helps you to support pattern-mat...
170,8902,014pry-linenoiseMakes work in Pry as a Readline alternative.
170,8902,014pumarelicThis gem will publish puma specific stats to New Relic
170,8902,014freq_statsTakes an array and gets the frequency of items in the array.
170,8902,014sprint_runnerA tool for running sprints on GitHub
170,8902,014revocareA simple gem for visualizing ActiveRecord callback chains
170,8902,014datagunA Ruby interface to the Datagun API.
170,8902,014simple_termYou can manage the beginning and ending date time of a term. You can also check whether...
170,8902,014weather_alert_mbjThe user enters a US state or territory and the gem returns a list of weather alerts. T...
170,9172,013snow_flakeThis is a gem can generate ID using SnowFlake. The advantage of SnowFlake is that it is...
170,9172,013SATySFi-railsSATySFi template for Rails
170,9172,013ipfs_public_gateway_checkerChecks which public gateways are online or not.
170,9172,013landerVisually displays data structures to make solving coding challenges easier.