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Most downloads over all time
170941-170960 of all 182,419 gems.
170,9342,011by_crawlera demo for study ruby
170,9342,011memo_for_binmake memos in ~/.Memo
170,9342,011cuprum-railsProvides a collection adapter for ActiveRecord models, as well as command integrations ...
170,9342,011omniauth-tinkOfficial OmniAuth strategy for Tink.
170,9342,011generate_app_jsonA packaged version of my gist
170,9342,011payu-sdkOfficial Ruby SDK for PayU
170,9342,011aspose_3d_cloudThis SDK allows you to work with Aspose.3D Cloud REST APIs in your Ruby applications qu...
170,9342,011rendertron_rubyRendertron client
170,9342,011gistalLoad multiple gist sources by config
170,9342,011simple_skillCreate a basic skill for Alexa
170,9342,011wittyflowSend Sms To Any Number In Ghana Using Wittyflow
170,9342,011srconA socket library implementing Valve's RCON protocol.
170,9342,011glob_matcherUse wildcard placeholders to find string matches as well as using ! as a negative matcher
170,9342,011time_methodTime Method allows easy setting of runtime without having to alter ...
170,9342,011rspec-viewcomponentProvides setup to prevent you writing excessive boilerplate in ViewComponent tests.
170,9562,010pinyin_to_kanaTranslate Chinese pinyin to Japanese kana
170,9562,010i8I8 (Immutable) is an extension of Hamster with a convenient name.
170,9562,010ruby-shadow-ruby32Ruby-shadow with fix for Ruby 3.2
170,9562,010ulery_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
170,9562,010store_list_scraperScrape Store Address lists from and export into a CSV file for distribut...