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170961-170980 of all 182,419 gems.
170,9562,010simple-sfWrite a longer description or delete this line
170,9562,010opengitdocsA straightforward documentation site theme for static sites built with Jekyll.
170,9562,010yii_redis_storea custom redis store library that plug and play to consume Yii 2.0's session data with ...
170,9562,010swiss-klarna_proxyProvides a Ruby interface to the current Klarna API, forked and inspired by https://rub...
170,9562,010deepalgo_ilThis gem provides some functions to convert IL into a backend we want.
170,9562,010webdevbrent_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails Applications.
170,9562,010ripple_ruby_explorerRuby wrapper for the Ripple blockchain query API service. Enables queries by address an...
170,9562,010featUnused features have a complexity cost. Feat allows you to easily record and explore fe...
170,9562,010jet-packJet pack
170,9702,009activerecord-originatorThis gem adds comments to the SQL to indicate where the SQL parts are constructed.
170,9702,009cm_couponSetup basic requied components for coupon management.
170,9702,009rspec-active_recordRSpec matchers to check when ActiveRecord objects are created/updated/destroyed
170,9702,009ram_dev_view_toolProvides HTML data for Rails apps.
170,9702,009buttressButtress helps automate testing for your codebase
170,9702,009update_by_caseThis gem adds to ActiveRecord a method update_by_case that allows you to update multipl...
170,9702,009bunny-hopWrite a longer description or delete this line.
170,9702,009gtfs_stops_clusteringA gem to read GTFS stops data and create clusters based on coordinates and stop names' ...
170,9702,009number_serializationNumber serialization for ruby
170,9702,009mtb_project_apiA wrapper gem for the public MTB Project API
170,9702,009story_tellerMake story files.