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Most downloads over all time
170981-171000 of all 182,419 gems.
170,9702,009rack-ebpfeBPF integration with rack application.
170,9702,009hola_ceciliaquinA simple hello world gem
170,9702,009arjunA simple hello world gem
170,9702,009stelzer_view_toolProvides gnerated HTML data for Rails applications.
170,9702,009grape-security[Backported security patched version] A Ruby framework for rapid API development with g...
170,9702,009train-digitaloceanThis plugin provides the backend handling for InSpec to talk to digitalocean
170,9702,009nuvanuva library aims to simplify working and interacting with the NUVA nomenclature throug...
170,9702,009hoopRINA foundation classes for Ruby
170,9702,009ojraRuby wrapper for the Open Journal's Reviewers application's API
170,9702,009riparianBasically just a handful of models to make handling workflows and asynchronous server-s...
170,9912,008trie_suggesta simple program for suggest or spellcheck keyword use trie tree
170,9912,008pry-less-sourceless-source command use less for Pry as pager. This is only for Unix-like OS.
170,9912,008Dec2HexMethod to convert decimal to hexadecimal
170,9912,008holiday_checkerThe Gem for respond about current date is hoday or not
170,9912,008jekyll-anecdoteAdd popup trivia to your posts
170,9912,008offsite_payments_przelewy24This gem extends the activemerchant offsite_payments gem providing integration of Przel...
170,9912,008mfrc522uidreadProvide uid in hexadecimal
170,9912,008techcult_view_toolGenerated HTML data for rails application