Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
171021-171040 of all 182,433 gems.
171,0202,006in-time-rubyRuby client for InTime API
171,0202,006pseudo_random_valueSimple gem to create pseudo-random values
171,0202,006test_mapperThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
171,0202,006jets-packJets pack
171,0202,006my_gemmywelcome to gemmy
171,0202,006first_vivak_gemPrime number gem
171,0202,006sekretCreate/Decode semetric encryption
171,0202,006itamae-plugin-resource-portageItamae resources for Gentoo Portage
171,0202,006motorefi-litTranslate your apps with pleasure (sort of...) and for free. It's si...
171,0202,006xfetchOptimal Probabilistic Cache Stampede Prevention for Ruby using Redis.
171,0202,006wg_view_toolGem generates HTML data for use by Rails apps.
171,0202,006lazzayA simple lib for creating lazy arrays, named lazzay
171,0202,006jekyll-theme-jagaimo-oneJekyll theme meant mostly for my own benefit. Feel free to use if you like. Not yet stable
171,0342,005snickersnee_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application
171,0342,005jekyll-theme-codingitwrongA Jekyll theme for and related web sites
171,0342,005skill_builderEasily build your skill's interface in Ruby
171,0342,005jekyll-theme-sd2SD2 is a simple Jekyll theme.
171,0342,005abstract-synthesizercreate resource based configuration DSL
171,0342,005songstats-apiA simple API wrapper for the Songstats API
171,0342,005sitemap_boilerGenerate multiple languages sitemap from one config file