Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177121-177140 of all 182,288 gems.
177,116929pinboard_logseqExport from Pinboard to Logseq
177,116929fuck_offProtect your shit
177,116929razorrisk-cassini-utilities-cassidRazor Risk's Cassini Web-framework's Initialisation Daemon
177,116929QubitSDKPlaceholder by RubyGems security team
177,116929restful-snapshotsRazor Risk's Cassini Web-framework's Snapshots RESTful microservice
177,116929forticonsA package that distributes FontAwesome icons in a gem
177,127928lzwrbThis library provides LZW encoding and decoding capabilities with no dependencies a...
177,127928testcontainers-rabbitmqTestcontainers makes it easy to create and clean up container-based dependencies for au...
177,127928razorrisk-razor-controlSupport library for controlling razor testing environments.
177,127928fractional_indexingFractional Indexing in Ruby
177,127928razorrisk-razor-connectivityRazor Risk's Razor Connectivity library
177,127928ractor_ioa small class that loads files in the background via a Ractor
177,133927cf-rtexDescription of Rtex.
177,133927yattho_view_componentsViewComponents for the NearchX's Design System
177,133927logstash-output-elasticsearch-testThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
177,137926publishing_platform_ssoClient for Publishing Platform's OAuth 2-based SSO.
177,137926manaen_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
177,137926caberA simple ReBAC / Zanzibar gem for Rails apps.
177,137926calculator_demo1It will sum 2 values.