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Most downloads over all time
177121-177140 of all 183,193 gems.
177,1171,056deliveredSimple runtime type checking for Ruby method signatures
177,1171,056awesome_errorsAwesomeErrors is a simply way to add errors to your Ruby objects and classes.
177,1231,055rbs_gooseRBS type inferrer with LLM
177,1231,055html2slideshowCreates a html/javaScript-slideshow from html-source or image-files.
177,1231,055rails-pdf-rendererHelper library to generate PDFs from Rails.
177,1261,054sang_parity_propA gem to partition an array of integers based on parity
177,1261,054manifiqueFetch and process metadata and icons of Web applications from Web App Manifest files, w...
177,1281,053sprockets-componentsMake web components easier to develop using Sprockets.
177,1281,053ronin-support-webronin-support-web is a web specific support library for ronin-rb. ronin-support-web pro...
177,1281,053siropSirop: Ruby code rewriter
177,1281,053ronin-listener-httpronin-listener-http is a HTTP server for receiving exfiltrated data sent via HTTP reque...
177,1331,052verdrails-erd + echarts + iview
177,1331,052elasticgraph-rackElasticGraph gem for serving an ElasticGraph GraphQL endpoint using rack.
177,1331,052toktokkieInteract with the Toktokkie api to create events and notifications
177,1331,052railedWrite a longer description or delete this line.
177,1371,051wuffl# Wuffl 1. Introduction Wuffl is a simple image viewer which can m...
177,1371,051eunomia_genCreate random string with a focus on RPGs similar to
177,1371,051lutaml-pathParser for element paths
177,1371,051fluent-plugin-syslog-tls-with-backoffSyslog TLS output plugin with formatting support, for Fluentd. This is cutom version ba...