Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177101-177120 of all 182,288 gems.
177,099933fixed-arrayAdds a class, FixedArray, that extends Array, which removes all methods which can alter...
177,099933fixture_champagneData migration pattern applied to fixtures. Create, update and keep fixtures synced wit...
177,103932bridgetown_obsidianConverts Obsidian notes to Bridgetown posts
177,103932gem_patch_patchNothing to see here!
177,103932verifykitRuby bindings for VerifyKit REST API. VerifyKit is a service that offers alternative ch...
177,103932edgar_palindromeLearn enough Ruby to implement palindrome detector
177,109931abi2solabi2sol gem - command-line tool for application binary interface (abi) to solidity (con...
177,109931hello-package-fffA simple hello world gem
177,109931ruby-stix2Ruby implementation for the STIX protocol version 2.1. Full specs: https://docs.oasis-o...
177,112930feltView Components for building forms in Rails applications
177,112930solargraph-syntax-suggestSolargraph Diagnostic Reporter for syntax_suggest gem
177,112930restful-userprofilesRazor Risk's Cassini Web-framework's UserProfiles RESTful microservice
177,112930threatCollection of useful Danger plugins
177,116929libretranslateRuby wrapper to communicate with LibreTranslate API.
177,116929manifiqueFetch and process metadata and icons of Web applications from Web App Manifest files, w...
177,116929ruby-letmeinClient for Ruby language to authentication/autorization LetMeIn API
177,116929bible-lookupReturns bible verses.
177,116929haml2phlexthis is a 'good enough' converter from haml view rendering to phlex view .