Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177541-177560 of all 183,193 gems.
177,535976samplegem-rubySample Gem
177,542975merriam_webster_plusEasily get word definitions, synonyms/antonyms, usage examples, audio pronunciations, a...
177,542975huginn_zoom_status_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
177,544974tldr-clitldr-cli is a tldr pages client created using Ruby
177,544974rbi-centralPlaceholder by RubyGems security team
177,544974cosmosc2-tool-handbooksThis plugin adds the COSMOS Handbooks tool
177,544974calc_calorieIt is easy to calculate your today's calorie with body weight and fat percentage whiche...
177,544974ruby_avatar_smithruby_avatar_smith is a Ruby gem that provides functionality to generate avatars with us...
177,544974proto_dslIt provides a simple, readable syntax for defining Protocol Buffer message types using ...
177,544974manaen_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
177,544974uberloaderCustomizable SQL when preloading in ActiveRecord
177,552973johny_brownFirst gem created just for printing text "Jonhy".
177,552973htmltokitConver HTML to PDF/PNG/JPEG
177,552973rubcaskBitcask-like Key/Value storege library with a TCP server included
177,552973mysql2-nested_hash_bindmysql2 and mysql2-cs-bind extension to bind response to nested Hash
177,556972updater_gfupdate Gemfile and clean code file by updater_gf
177,556972razorpay_integrationRazorpay Integration with Rails for Payment Gateway
177,558971google-apps-events-subscriptions-v1The Google Workspace Events API lets you subscribe to events and manage change notifica...
177,558971posting_zonposting app
177,558971kong-clientA Ruby client for the Kong API