Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177541-177560 of all 182,288 gems.
177,540851sentry-jets-tmpSentry exception report support for Jets
177,540851leashLeash provides a lightweight framework to implement "Do Nothing Scripting" with Ruby. ...
177,540851even_oddTo display whether a number is even or odd
177,544850langchainWrite a longer description or delete this line.
177,544850random_gemRandomGem is a Ruby gem that picks a random gem from RubyGems and returns its info. Als...
177,544850rb20482048 command line game build by ruby.
177,544850ruby-livesyncLightweight and fast live sync daemon
177,544850eon_cryptPass around AES keys then check .env.encrypted into your repo
177,544850uju_view_componentsStandalone view components for Uju
177,550849rack-conformAn implementation of the Rack protocol/specification.
177,550849so_simple_mathsThis gem has methods that take 2 numbers and make math operations (sum, sub, mul, div)
177,550849datastorageSimple datastorage gem for ruby. It stores key value pairs in a file seperated by a " | ".
177,553848fixedFixed-point numbers with 18-digit precision.
177,554847nex-font-awesome-sassFont-Awesome SASS gem for use in Ruby projects
177,554847update_values_allThe gem allows to update AR-records in batch
177,554847rinstallQuickly install Bootstrap 5 (and more in the future) to your Rails app
177,554847command_chainCommandChain is an algorithm based on the command patterns that allows commands to be c...
177,554847inferiorA library providing "interfaces" at the boot time
177,559846blade-gptblade gpt
177,559846tilt-caxlsxIntegrates Axlsx with Tilt