Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177561-177580 of all 182,288 gems.
177,559846featuryA set of tools for building reliable services of any complexity
177,559846integra365A Ruby wrapper for the Integra36 backup Portal REST APIs (readonly)
177,559846campaign_hqAPI client for
177,559846faxplus_apiA simple wrapper around faxplus's API. For detailed documentation, please visit: http...
177,566845gemzinhaThe gemzinha at the moment doesn't do anything interesting.
177,566845tatus_task1_gem1a long description
177,566845date-time-beta-package-sdkIt does nothing
177,566845zabbixapi_mgxAllows you to work with zabbix api from ruby.
177,570844algerography58 Wilayas. 548 Dairas. Support both Arabic and French languages. This project was insp...
177,570844active_job-inlinedActiveJob::Inlined lets you run jobs inline within other jobs.
177,570844json_or_ruby_to_csvThis gem converts arrays of JSON objects, arrays of hashes, arrays of ActionController ...
177,570844ev-recharge-sdkThis API Product provides the option to manage charging at all public Shell Recharge lo...
177,570844pull_request_aiRails Engine that provides pull requests descriptions generated by ChatGPT.
177,570844check_all_depenciesLong description of your gem
177,570844counter_oneCounterOne provides improved counter cache for Rails app with support various relations...
177,578843vipassana-logosA ruby module to offer inline SVG images for each language
177,578843math_wildA study collection of function to help simple math
177,578843himari-awsAWS related plugins for Himari