Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177561-177580 of all 183,193 gems.
177,558971abi2rubyabi2ruby - generate ready-to-use (blockchain) contract services / function calls for e...
177,558971background_jobA generic swappable background job client that allows you to push jobs to different bac...
177,558971jekyll-ipaIPA plugin to go with the Jekyll PaperWiki theme.
177,564970prestructGenerates the (semi-opinianated) basic file structure for a ruby project in users curre...
177,564970kanal-plugins-batteries_bridgeThis plugin provides transformation between different interface properties (e.g. tg_aud...
177,564970streamsbStreamSB ruby client
177,568969roqsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
177,568969sevgiToolkit for Creating SVG Content Programmatically with Ruby
177,568969consoloA console-inspired jekyll theme for personal blogs and websites. Improved/expanded fork...
177,568969gelf.fitterpenLibrary to send GELF messages to Graylog logging server. Supports plain-text, GELF mess...
177,568969voskVosk is an offline open source speech recognition toolkit. It enables speech recognitio...
177,573968wc3_protocolThe ruby gem to find and retrieve information of Warcraft3 games
177,573968nautilferNautilfer provides a robust and flexible way to send notifications to Microsoft Teams u...
177,573968hola-iprog21A simple hello world gem made by iprog21
177,573968cli-option_parser.rbFork of ruby/optparse
177,573968enhanced_errorsEnhancedErrors will automatically enhance your errors with messages containing variable...
177,573968shn-mk-kitpersonal test development tool
177,573968vagrant-host-artixVagrant host plugin for Artix Linux
177,573968fluent-plugin-elasticsearch-statsfluentd plugin to generate elasticsearch cluster stats events.