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Most downloads over all time
177881-177900 of all 182,240 gems.
177,877782google-shopping-merchant-accounts-v1betaProgrammatically manage your Merchant Center accounts. Note that google-shopping-mercha...
177,877782thalamWrite a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
177,883781state_machine_enumConcern that makes it easy to define and enforce possibe state transitions for a field/...
177,883781unit_stUnit gem
177,883781zakarZakar is a small, unofficial openAI API Wrapper for GPT-3 and DALL-E2. Inspired by the ...
177,883781sabetsukaSabetsuka (差別化) makes it easy and painless to differentiate polynomials
177,883781qippetCreate beautify code snippet image.
177,883781omniauth-vippsVipps Mobilepay OmniAuth Strategy for Login
177,883781adjective-rpgIncomplete and in early stages.
177,883781githookifyCreate and manage custom git hooks the ruby way.
177,883781derivatorBIP-0039, BIP-0032, SLIP-0010 elliptic curve (P-256, ED25519, SECP256K1) keys derivator
177,892780aixo_es_una_provaWrite a longer description or delete this line.
177,892780nevapkgA simple hello world gem
177,892780obeyModdern Ruby Command pattern implementation
177,892780marshal-parserRuby library and a CLI tool to parse Ruby Marshal serialization format.
177,892780bwrbRuby client package for Botway.
177,898779google-cloud-managed_kafka-v1Manage Apache Kafka clusters and resources. Note that google-cloud-managed_kafka-v1 is ...
177,898779ghxAn object oriented wrapper around some GitHub API calls that aren't covered by Octokit
177,898779remote_entityUsing configuration style to generate Ruby classes and methods that wrap the API calls ...