Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
177901-177920 of all 182,240 gems.
177,901778gem_to_mgemConvert gem to mgem
177,901778nocheckoutRails controllers for Stripe Checkout Sessions and Webhooks
177,901778gaco_cmsA lightweight Ruby on Rails cms suitable for any Rails application
177,901778pronto-eslinterEslint runner for Pronto which generates code change suggestions based on eslint errors.
177,906777dayrangeDayRange provides methods to navigate and manipulate series of dates.
177,906777i18n-aii18n-ai is a gem that converts your locales into different languages automatically
177,906777warbleAn educational pure-Ruby WebAssembly runtime
177,906777rails_json_seederRailsJsonSeeder provides an intuitive way to seed Rails applications using JSON formatt...
177,906777deskbotRuby desktop automation
177,911776htrbHTRB is a dsl for html and webcomponents
177,911776elasticgraph-supportElasticGraph gem providing support utilities to the other ElasticGraph gems.
177,911776moderately_password_generatorGenerates moderately random passwords.
177,911776foobara-command-generatorGenerates Foobara commands
177,915775fly-railsRails support for Fly-io
177,915775fusuma-plugin-touchscreenfusuma-plugin-touchscreen is Fusuma plugin for support touchscreen devices.
177,915775ronin-reconronin-recon is a micro-framework and tool for performing reconnaissance. ronin-recon us...
177,915775phlexi-formA better way to customize and build forms for your Rails application
177,915775blackstack-enrichmentRuby library for connecting some enrichment services like Apillo or FindyMail.
177,920774ssrfs-up-v2A gem that simplifies connecting to out AWS Lambda used to proxy requests. Make your th...