Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178241-178260 of all 182,276 gems.
178,239719spinnakerTrack page hits for rack apps and store in a database.
178,239719vs_clientVendor search service client for ruby
178,243718lesli_dashboardAdministration area for the Lesli Framework
178,244717extlzma2A Ruby binding of liblzma that is compatible with Ruby 3.2
178,244717bridgetown-webfingerAdds structured support for Webfinger to Bridgetown sites
178,244717njunuskGenerates a gem for your njunusk
178,244717simplicity_clientThis gem can log into Simplicity and fetch fund balances
178,244717framegrabberAllows for capturing images easily
178,244717optiomistOptiomist represents an optional value. Be an optimist. The glass will never be half nil.
178,252716campayTo aid Cameroon businesses to make both national and international payments using MTN...
178,252716justificationConstruct a tree of objects that can be serialized for auditing
178,252716Show-PaginationA simple pagination gem for models like blogs or users.
178,252716kc-sdk-companyKabob cloud client library.
178,252716logstash-input-s3-cosThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
178,252716dxrubynd2D game library for Windows(DirectX9)
178,258715dodecahedronA ruby mineral's chemical shape; run end-user machine graphical Ruby programs. Produced...
178,258715rails-bakliteBackup and restore SQLite3 databases in your Rails app.
178,258715rubocop-serviceProvides support of rubocop server, for Windows!