Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178361-178380 of all 182,288 gems.
178,359699ets-to-homeassistantGenerate Home Assistant configuration from ETS project
178,359699hola_coil_testA simple hello world gem
178,359699sim-cssA Jekyll Theme base on no-style-please
178,359699automotive-ecuProvides an interface for exporting/importing signals and labels to various automotive ...
178,365698wasminnaA WebAssembly interpreter written in Ruby
178,365698sample_entityThis gem allows to maintain sample entity files for your Rails app.
178,365698CurpMXA simple validator for CURPs. Fast, easy, descriptive.
178,368697avishekA simple XSS Vulnerable Sample COde
178,368697asciidoctor-diagram-jsyntraxJSyntrax JAR files wrapped in a Ruby gem
178,368697elasticgraph-indexerElasticGraph gem that provides APIs to robustly index data into a datastore.
178,368697litetagsA SQLite based, lightning fast, super efficient and dead simple to setup and use model ...
178,368697mojiconProvides a wide range of text transformation functionalities, including conversions bet...
178,368697chessutilA simple hello world gem
178,368697http-cat-railsConfigurable Ruby gem that replaces error pages with image
178,375696elasticgraph-opensearchWraps the OpenSearch client for use by ElasticGraph.
178,375696validates_identity-co_nitValidates Colombia NIT Document and test it with matchers in a simple way.
178,375696lithoThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
178,375696jsonl_reader_writerThis gem provides utilities for reading, filtering, mapping, and writing JSON Lines for...
178,375696fastlane-plugin-appcircle_enterprise_storeEfficiently publish your apps to Appcircle Enterprise Store
178,375696urban_newsUrban News finds the latest research articles from the Kinder Institute for Urban Issue...