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178281-178300 of all 182,288 gems.
178,281711ffi-nativeWrite a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
178,281711ruleurRuleur is a Ruby gem that provides a scalable and efficient way to manage your business...
178,281711gem_translatorTest gem for translating languages to other languages. Working by Text Translator from...
178,281711action_text_to_whatsapp_markdownWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,281711gemacalcthis is a gem to use in rails, this gem do some basic math operations
178,286710govuk-rspec-helpersRSpec test helpers for GOV.UK services
178,286710gitlab-zoqlZOQL language parser and AST explorer.
178,286710ced_palindromeLear Enough Ruby Palindrome detctor
178,286710gl_walletA Ruby gem for wrapping GLWallet API calls.
178,286710elasticgraph-json_schemaElasticGraph gem that provides JSON Schema validation.
178,286710baseline_statsRuby wrapper for interacting with the Statcast baseball api.
178,286710plantsGem to interact with Trefle API.
178,286710carehqCareHQ API client for Ruby.
178,294709lti_dlImplmentation of the LTI DLstandard for Ruby.
178,294709google-cloud-connectorsEnables users to create and manage connections to Google Cloud services and third-party...
178,294709logstash-filter-linelookupA logstash filter for enrichment via a simple line-protocol over a socket
178,294709asciidoctor-godocAn Asciidoctor extension that adds support for a 'godoc' macro to asciidoc document...
178,298708active_fieldsExtend your Rails models without changing DB schema.
178,298708oodle-kraken-rubyUncompress files compressed with Oodle Kraken / Mermaid / Selkie / Leviathan / LZNA / B...
178,298708pluckerPlucker allows projecting a query into a specifically defined struct for the query.