Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178301-178320 of all 182,288 gems.
178,298708alexevanczuk-example-gemAn example gem set up with CI and CD.
178,302707sumireMonitor the `script` command and add the recorded time.
178,302707simple_auth-magic_linkPasswordless sign-in for simple_auth.
178,302707up_bankingUnofficial Ruby gem for the Up Banking API
178,302707masked-emailA simple command-line script for generating masked email addresses via Fastmail
178,302707parity_propA gem to partition an array of integers based on parity
178,302707omniauth-amazon-spOmniauth strategy for Amazon Selling Partner
178,302707acuitydataA client for using API in Ruby. This is an unofficial project.
178,302707azdContains generators to make a rails application azd compatible
178,302707bullet_parserParse 'bullet' log files and converts them into CSV format for simplified analysis and ...
178,311706activerecord-dbtGenerate dbt files from the information of the database connected by ActiveRecord.
178,311706tik_tak_tioki_clientClient implementation of the API of the TikTakTioki server
178,311706dockhandToolkit for building Rails app Docker images
178,314705protomanfsm for games in ruby
178,314705devise-unpwnDevise extension that checks user passwords against the HaveIBeenPwned dataset.
178,314705mingw-makePatches that enable Windows Ruby to install C extension gems with MinGW without MSYS2 (...
178,314705wasifyPacks and runs Ruby code on WASM
178,314705nvkPlaceholder by RubyGems Security Team
178,314705sowprog-api-rubySowProg Api Ruby
178,314705decidim-amazon_translateMachine translations module for Amazon Translation AWS service.