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178321-178340 of all 182,288 gems.
178,314705bandoleerIoC container focussing on the automatic extraction of constants from ruby files.
178,314705justcall_rubyA simple Ruby wrapper for the JustCall REST API
178,323704volume_sweeperThis is a scanning tool for cloud infrastructure cross referenced with related clusters.
178,323704esse-async_indexingExtends Esse to allow async indexing using Faktory or Sidekiq.
178,325703norm_distGem gives approximate normal distribution values(pdf and cdf).
178,325703raoh_triggerProvide before_action and after_action class method
178,325703tony_demo_gemWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,328702rubocop-rspec-extraA RuboCop extension focused on enforcing RSpec. A place where no one is officially empl...
178,328702devise-sssecretsSssecrets module for Devise
178,328702dozaEncrypts and decrypts text and files with the Doza algorithm
178,328702account-loggerWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,328702one_api_sdkThis sdk allows you to access the One API, an API for TLOR.
178,328702shabana_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application.
178,328702exploreExplore all website metadata.
178,328702bloodDisplay bloodline of classes
178,328702tiny_ringa tiny ring buffer implementation
178,328702miwifiProvides authentication methods as well as some simple API calls
178,328702BmltClientBMLT Admin API Client
178,328702wikipaddle_internal_apiProtobuf client and server for the Wikipaddle Internal API
178,328702athena-udfRuby-version Athena UDF