Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178421-178440 of all 182,288 gems.
178,418687iso-deserializerconversion from complexy write params to a json blob that an AR model can consume
178,422686fedeVery Simple XML feed generator from yaml data files
178,422686rao-active_collectionServices for Ruby on Rails.
178,422686tail_draftYour buddy to skyrocket your development with TailwindCSS.
178,422686bugscriberBugscriber is an open source error monitoring and reporting software for Ruby on Rails
178,422686truesight-rtd-themeJust another documentation theme compatible with GitHub Pages
178,422686party_poopA gem that returns an array of the words party and poop
178,422686devdevThis gem provides the tools to run and document the steps required to set up the develo...
178,422686finalizersAdds finalizers to ActiveRecord models to clean up both database child dependencies and...
178,430685nexioNexio integration with Ruby on Rails
178,430685remote-i18nI18n with support of remote files for translations.
178,430685hex_color_generateThis gem generate hexadecimal color
178,430685logstash-codec-rfc6587This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
178,430685param_paramLambda powered pipelines for hash values
178,430685parity_prop_stefanA gem that adds a method to Array to split it into two arrays, one with even elements a...
178,436684named_hashA new take on HashWithIndifferentAccess
178,436684html_table_dslDLS for working with HTML tables. Easy creation and population of tables in Ruby.
178,436684wsgameThis is an application used in The Pragmatic Studio's home work Ruby Programming course...
178,436684foundational_lib# foundationallib

Finally, a cross-platform, portable, well-designed, secure, robu...

178,440683privy-carrierwave-google-storageA slimmer alternative to using Fog for Google Cloud Storage support in Carrierwave. Hea...