Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178401-178420 of all 182,288 gems.
178,397692torchdataComposable data loading for Ruby
178,397692union_ofCreate associations that combine multiple Active Record associations using a SQL UNION ...
178,397692siyoushoThe Siyousho gem is designed to facilitate End-to-End (E2E) testing by automatically ge...
178,397692middleware_apm_windowsThe 'APM' (Application Performance Monitoring) Ruby gem provides developers with compre...
178,405691dictableTransform street numbers into words to dictate them easily, and explodes street names a...
178,405691lim-stringerA Gem File for extending strings functionality
178,405691ruby_face_recognitionA Ruby wrapper for recognize and manipulate faces.
178,405691omniauth-strategies-passthroughThis strategy allows you to pass auth hash values directly to an auth endpoint and forw...
178,409690credly-rubyAccess the Credly REST API.
178,409690select7Multiple choices selector (similar to select2, but with rails hotwire)
178,409690rekkione command can count image files in view files
178,409690wkhtmltopdf-binary-arm64Provides binaries for WKHTMLTOPDF project in an easily accessible package. Adaptation t...
178,413689jekyll-twitter-bootstrapTwitter Bootstrap-based starter theme for Jekyll.
178,413689trove_gemInterface to trove site
178,413689elasticgraph-rackElasticGraph gem for serving an ElasticGraph GraphQL endpoint using rack.
178,413689lock-gemfileThis gem provides a command-line tool to update a Gemfile with locked versions from the...
178,413689parity_prop_fgeA first gem exercise that splits an array of integers into two arrays, one with even nu...
178,418687human_sqlThis gem allows users to convert natural language queries into ActiveRecord code levera...
178,418687htmldirThat gem creates an html advanced tree for you with an simple command!
178,418687google-cloud-workstationsAllows administrators to create managed developer environments in the cloud.