Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178401-178420 of all 183,181 gems.
178,400812minimaJakeMinima, but with the missing functionality added
178,400812thalamWrite a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
178,400812jekyll-theme-saifas-legacyJekyll theme 'SAIFAS'
178,400812fimonThin `listen` cli wrapper.
178,400812browsing_facadeA facade for browsing
178,406811mk3make directory and file tree
178,406811fivemanProcess manager for applications with multiple components
178,406811obeyModdern Ruby Command pattern implementation
178,406811not_so_easy_hubspotThis gem is designed to make it easier to integrate with the Hubspot API
178,410810unit_stUnit gem
178,410810derivatorBIP-0039, BIP-0032, SLIP-0010 elliptic curve (P-256, ED25519, SECP256K1) keys derivator
178,410810podoyPodoy is gem suite of modules that each enables you to write clean, safe and idiomatic ...
178,410810csvbuilder-exporterHelp handle CSVs in a more efficient way
178,410810hroulston_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby Palindrome detector
178,410810testcontainers-mongoTestcontainers makes it easy to create and clean up container-based dependencies for au...
178,410810hola_minaA simple hello world gem
178,418809scriptoriumA blog system based on Ruby and Livetext
178,418809esolangA gem for working with esoteric programming languages. See documentation: https://...
178,420808validates_identity-co_nitValidates Colombia NIT Document and test it with matchers in a simple way.