Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178341-178360 of all 182,288 gems.
178,341701sonneRuby port of Sonne (Python library). For documentation
178,341701mc_recordMicroCMS API's ORM like ActiveRecord for Ruby.
178,341701db_log_tagAllow to prepend prefix tags to the beginning of the query logs to track name, shard an...
178,341701discordDiscord API abstraction layer
178,341701rubocop-37signals37signals house style for Ruby programming
178,341701hola_vardhanA simple hello world gem
178,341701xconnWAMP(Web Application Messaging Protocol) ruby client
178,341701balticA personal blog theme styled for developers. Inspired by popular "Nord" IDE and termin...
178,349700clsx-railsA tiny Rails view helper for constructing CSS class strings conditionally
178,349700extidIt can be valuable to internally use a serial integer as an ID without revealing that I...
178,349700lesli_driverUnified calendar app for The Lesli Framework.
178,349700ngcrudA rails-like Angular CRUD Generator
178,349700gitab_codeowners_checkerCheck every project file has codeowners.
178,349700bunny_streamRubyGem to manage files on Bunny Stream.
178,349700neiltestA simple test framework
178,349700lti_agsImplmentation of the LTI AGS standard for Ruby.
178,349700qbashWith the help of Open3 executes bash command and conveniently returns its output and ex...
178,349700qa_testpacote test
178,359699rapidauthThis gem is a simple authentication system for Rails 7
178,359699google-cloud-network_servicesgoogle-cloud-network_services is the official client library for the Network Services API.