Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178461-178480 of all 182,288 gems.
178,459680ronin-web-session_cookieronin-web-session_cookie is a library for parsing and deserializing various session coo...
178,459680autosparkleAutosparkle is a command-line tool that automates the delivery of macOS apps outside th...
178,464679generate_htmlGem to generate HTML
178,464679radeTrade with Ruby
178,464679http-auth0Faraday adapter for Auth0
178,464679inova_fcmRuby gem to send messages via firebase cloud messaging.
178,464679jekyll-crypto-donationsThis plugin allows you to collect and display cryptocurrency donations on your Jekyll s...
178,464679pangea-componentcomponentize declarative resources
178,464679moorA program manager, anchored on your machine; Produced by Assemble Company.
178,464679qat-opentestQAT openTest is a gem that can create sessions and get session details with the framewo...
178,464679act_as_jsonapiAct as JSONAPI is a small and flexible gem on top of `jsonapi_serializer`. By includi...
178,464679google-apis-pollen_v1This is the simple REST client for Pollen API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby client l...
178,464679contThe Cont module provides methods for working with continuations. Continuations are a wa...
178,475678elasticgraph-lambda_supportElasticGraph gem that supports running ElasticGraph using AWS Lambda.
178,475678browser_repositionrepositions your Ferrum/Capybara/etc. browser to the upper left corner of the external ...
178,475678elasticgraph-adminElasticGraph gem that provides datastore administrative tasks, to keep a datastore up-t...
178,475678omniauth-avazaOmniauth Strategy for Avaza
178,475678hanami-devtoolsDevelopment tools for Hanami. This gem is designed for the Hanami core team.
178,475678comfydeployRuby Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy