Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178481-178500 of all 182,288 gems.
178,475678schema_doctorAutomatic database documentation tool.
178,482677cm-cloudwatchloggerLogger => CloudWatchLogs
178,482677leveled_cacheActiveSupport::Cache that wraps multiple levels of caches
178,482677ireliaView components, assets and styles built with Tailwind CSS for KIQR.
178,485676aasm-visGem for visualising state machines using markdown and http...
178,485676omniauth-trezorconnectCustom Omniatuh strategy using open source Javascript instead of a third party
178,485676vat_layer-ruby-3Ruby wrapper for vatlayer by apilayer. This gem depends on the apilayer-ruby-3 gem, whi...
178,485676skrift-x11Helpers to use the pure-Ruvy TrueType engine Skrift with pure Pure-X11 X bindings
178,485676core-typeTypes for Ruby programs.
178,490675elasticgraphElasticGraph meta-gem that pulls in all the core ElasticGraph gems.
178,490675guard-asciidocWatches the specified source folder and automatically converts AsciiDoc documents to th...
178,490675version_bossParse, compare, and increment RubyGem versions with the 'gem-version' CLI command or th...
178,490675fluent-plugin-openlineageFluentd parser that validates if JSON is a valid Openlineage event.
178,490675MyOfficeMyOffice API wrapper written in Ruby
178, Ruby library
178,496674bormashino-sequel-sqljs-adapterSQL.JS adapter for Sequel on browser with BormaƝino / ruby.wasm
178,496674embulk-output-postgresql-secureInserts or updates records to a table.
178,496674rraySimple raytracer written in ruby. Can be used a CLI tool or library.
178,496674fourmi-prawn-utilsSome methods to simplify PDF creation with Prawn
178,496674atlassian-jwt-authentication-herocodersAtlassian JWT Authentication provides support for handling JWT authentication as requir...