Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178501-178520 of all 182,288 gems.
178,496674acube-railsACube api wrapper for rails
178,503673activeadmin_ueditorAn Active Admin plugin to use Ueditor Rich Text Editor
178,503673mod_organizerRuby API accessing a Mod Organizer instance
178,503673wwrkgreetwwrk greets you
178,503673ontra-react-common-capybara-helpersHelpers for capybara tests to intereact and assert ontra-react-common components.
178,503673elasticgraph-query_interceptorAn ElasticGraph extension for intercepting datastore queries.
178,503673privy_wine_bouncerA Ruby gem that allows Oauth2 protection with Doorkeeper for Grape Api's
178,509672raix-railsRuby AI eXtensions for Rails
178,509672en-aws-synchronizerYou can sync aws ec2, volume, eip, rds, vpc, subnet, security groups to your aws model ...
178,509672xre2short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
178,509672mouha_palindromeLearn enough Ruby palindrome detector
178,509672callsCombining the method object pattern with DRY initialization
178,509672forticons_helperA rails helper that makes including svg Forticons simple.
178,515671embulk-input-postgresql-secureSelects records from a table.
178,516670ronin-listener-dnsronin-listener-dns is a DNS server for receiving exfiltrated data sent via DNS queries....
178,516670ploomes_clientGem to provide service clients to integrate with Ploomes API services
178,516670vecsearchAll-in-one simple vector search class for ruby.
178,516670rspec-big-splitSplit one big RSpec test file into many smaller ones for parallel execution
178,516670prekinReturn true or false when you specify the day of month (by Time class, Date class, Date...