Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178541-178560 of all 182,288 gems.
178,537666MySecretMySecret is a secure note manager. It allows you to safe your notes with password, encr...
178,542665embulk-input-http-secureFetch data via http(s)
178,542665jekyll-logger-tapTAP logger for Jekyll
178,542665sudachi-installerdownload and store Sudachi jar and dict files
178,545664ruby_ipifyA Ruby gem to use ipify which is a simple public IP address API.
178,545664elasticgraph-indexer_autoscaler_lambdaElasticGraph gem that monitors OpenSearch CPU utilization to autoscale indexer lambda c...
178,545664active_etlAdd simple ETL operations to your Rails app!
178,545664tkrzw-unofficialDBM (Database Manager) is a concept of libraries to store an associative array on a per...
178,545664google-cloud-workstations-v1Allows administrators to create managed developer environments in the cloud. Note that ...
178,550663eunomia_genCreate random string with a focus on RPGs similar to
178,550663jekyll-imagemagick-sutermservImage generator for Jekyll 3 websites that automatically convert images from one format...
178,550663pixelmeow_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
178,550663google-shopping-merchant-data_sourcesProgrammatically manage your Merchant Center accounts.
178,550663fmtA simple template engine based on native Ruby String formatting mechanics
178,550663cocoapods-podspec-binaryA short description of cocoapods-podspec-binary.
178,550663mina-yarnMina plugin for Yarn
178,550663simple1_calculatorThis gem is usefull for doing mathemetics opration
178,550663federailsAn ActivityPub engine for Ruby on Rails
178,559662sideko_hacker_newsHacker News makes the public their data available in near real time. > The v0 API is...
178,559662mandate-railsRails integration for Mandate