Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178521-178540 of all 182,288 gems.
178,516670motion-turboTurbo for RubyMotion apps
178,516670snakemake-plugin-jekyllSnakemake plugins are community contributions to snakemake for executors and (TBA remot...
178,516670bynho_parity_propA gem to partition an array of integers based on parity
178,524669pay-lagoLago processor support for Pay gem.
178,524669pretty_integersa small utility to format integers for easier reading
178,524669bp3-corebp3-core provides core concerns for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3).
178,524669elasticgraph-query_registryAn ElasticGraph extension that supports safer schema evolution by limiting GraphQL quer...
178,528668hola_martaA simple hello world gem
178,528668calculator_by_iraIt's a sipmle calculator gem
178,528668k8s-ioKubernetes official ruby client to talk to kubernetes clusters. Fork from https://githu...
178,528668tulirbRobust technical analysis indicator library for Ruby. Build tools for financial tr...
178,532667elasticgraph-indexer_lambdaProvides an AWS Lambda interface for an elasticgraph API
178,532667google-shopping-merchant-accountsProgrammatically manage your Merchant Center accounts.
178,532667IsNumberFortyTwoIs number forty two?
178,532667erp_toolsIncludes common helpers and constants to share across the organization.
178,532667google-apis-apim_v1alphaThis is the simple REST client for API Management API V1alpha. Simple REST clients are ...
178,537666aspisecVacuuming out the remnants of offensive tools. AspiSec is responsible for removing the ...
178,537666each_batchImproved batch processing in Rails
178,537666fastlane-plugin-appbox_uploadipaUploading ipa file to Appbox
178,537666matheusA bunch of CLI tools I made for my own use.