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178561-178580 of all 182,288 gems.
178,559662wechat-pay-nextA simple Wechat pay ruby gem in api V3.
178,559662searchractorA module dedicated to search algorithms studies in Ruby based on interactor's architecture
178,559662hyperlayerDebug Ruby apps 10x faster.
178,559662elasticgraph-health_checkAn ElasticGraph extension that provides a health check for high availability deployments.
178,559662recursifierRecursifier is a Ruby gem designed to simplify and optimize recursive querying of hiera...
178,559662elasticgraph-graphql_lambdaElasticGraph gem that wraps elasticgraph-graphql in an AWS Lambda.
178,567661words-to-numbersExtract numbers from words in text
178,567661ws-net_documents-use_tokenThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
178,567661clarifai-rbAlpha Version - Predict using Clarifai
178,570660profitableCalculate SaaS metrics like the MRR, ARR, churn, LTV, ARPU, total revenue, estimated va...
178,570660flow_chatFramework for building Menu based conversations (e.g. USSD) in Rails.
178,570660SingleEmailVerificationWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,570660econ_data_readerIntegrated economic and financial data
178,570660embulk-input-s3-secureReads files stored on Amazon S3
178,570660huginn_bluesky_action_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,570660capistrano-cableActionCable integration for Capistrano using Puma and Systemd
178,570660furaffinityA command line tool to interface with FurAffinity
178,570660dev_snapDevelopment Snapshot - incremental backup utility
178,570660user_greetingGreet the user!