Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178841-178860 of all 183,164 gems.
178,841732shabana_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails application.
178,841732gmi2latexGmi2LaTeX is a Gemtext (Gemini naitive text format, suffix .gmi) to LaTeX converter.
178,841732constant_visionThe ConstantVision gem is designed to scan all constants within a Rails application. It...
178,841732protos-protoformBuild phlex based forms using Rails conventions
178,841732anyiconRuby on Rails View Helpers for any icon collections that have github repository available.
178,841732udap_security_test_kitUDAP Security IG Test Kit
178,841732rbarA progress bar with options
178,841732i18n_unoi18n Uno is simple CLI tool that will completly translate your application to any desir...
178,849731unique_names_generatorGenerate random and unique names in Ruby with support for PRNG seeded/deterministic gen...
178,849731one_api_sdkThis sdk allows you to access the One API, an API for TLOR.
178,849731activeadmin_assetsRun ActiveAdmin v4 without asset setup.
178,849731avishekA simple XSS Vulnerable Sample COde
178,849731html_table_dslDLS for working with HTML tables. Easy creation and population of tables in Ruby.
178,849731lti_advantageImplmentation of the LTI Advantage standard for Ruby.
178,855730google-apis-airquality_v1This is the simple REST client for Air Quality API V1. Simple REST clients are Ruby cli...
178,855730inova_fcmRuby gem to send messages via firebase cloud messaging.
178,855730google-cloud-api_hub-v1API hub lets you consolidate and organize information about all of the APIs of interest...
178,855730exploreExplore all website metadata.
178,859729each_batchImproved batch processing in Rails
178,859729searchractorA module dedicated to search algorithms studies in Ruby based on interactor's architecture