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178841-178860 of all 182,288 gems.
178,841614adiwg-mdtranslator-dshThe mdtranslator was written by the Alaska Data Integration Working Group (ADIwg) to as...
178,841614p2p_streams_channelAllow to setup one-to-many P2P stream connections (WebRTC) between clients through Rail...
178,841614vident-better_htmlVident support for better_html. If you use better_html, you will need to install this g...
178,845613recommenderThis gem provides recommendations by calculating similarity scores using the Jaccard In...
178,845613fluent-plugin-proc-infofluentd plugin to access proc info for a given process.
178,845613omniauth2-shibbolethOmniAuth Shibboleth strategies
178,845613services-changelogUsing this tool, changelogs can be created from a single project's changelog folder, or...
178,849612effective_postmarkEffective Postmark captures Postmark::InvalidRecipientError and marks Users as bounced
178,849612raikar05Write a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
178,849612protos-protoformBuild phlex based forms using Rails conventions
178,849612invoca-kubernetes_templatesTool for rendering ERB and Jsonnet templates
178,849612shudder== Shudder; a mineral blink. Ruby bindings, packaging a Chromium 'blink' clone. Code ...
178,849612panacheextractmaking handling of the maf and the taf files easier, extraction of the alignments, alig...
178,849612natspecnatspec - natural specification (comments) parser / machinery; document application bin...
178,856611hola_janstilauA simple hello world gem
178,856611fluent-plugin-docker-statsFluentd plugin to collect Docker container stats
178,856611lita-doubler-pbDoubles numbers - demo from Ping
178,856611lesli_bellNotifications & Announcements System for the Lesli Framework.
178,856611raikar06Write a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.