Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178821-178840 of all 182,288 gems.
178,814618graphql-dataloader-activerecordThis gem provides proxy objects in place of ActiveRecord objects where the proxy handle...
178,814618beaconchaA Ruby gem for the Beaconcha API
178,823617new_forty_twothis method checks, is your argument 42
178,823617bolt_iotThis Gem is used to connect bolt IOT's cloud platform and send requests
178,823617bridgetown-related-postsThis plugin calculates and adds related posts to your Bridgetown site using TF-IDF and ...
178,823617my-ruby-sampleA sample Ruby gem.
178,823617orthoses-fiddleGenerate RBS from fiddl's `extern`.
178,823617whalyWhaly is the easy way to write a browser-based selenium scripts for ruby users.It's ful...
178,823617foobara-autocrud-generatorGenerates a Foobara autocrud
178,830616studio_game_ajMy first Ruby gem!!
178,830616artbase-importersartbase-importers - artbase (SQL) database machinery 'n' support; build single-file SQL...
178,830616phluxPhlex helpers
178,834615ruby_pcreRuby PCRE bridge
178,834615shipyrdThe companion gem for Shipyrd, the Kamal deployment dashboard
178,834615capistrano-scm-static2Deploy your static site through capistrano
178,834615rightPadWrite a longer description or delete this line.
178,834615pairerRails app/engine to Easily rotate and keep track of working pairs
178,834615natronToken based authentication provider for Hanami