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178801-178820 of all 182,288 gems.
178,796621nobspw_rails7No Bullshit Password strength checker. Inspired by "Password Rules are Bullshit" by Jef...
178,796621rgarin-holaA simple hello world gem
178,796621postgresql-backup-sqlThis gem automates PostgreSQL's backup and restore in your Rails project. It will injec...
178,804620amcms_filemanagerDescription of AmcmsFilemanager.
178,804620jongmogtolonFile to Clipboard gem
178,804620PaychanguPaychangu is a Ruby gem that allows you to interact with's API and perfor...
178,804620endoflife_dateDocumentation for the API. The API is currently in Alpha. Additional inf...
178,808619lumos_servicePlaceholder by RubyGems Security Team
178,808619sinatra-rack-3-commonlitSinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.
178,808619ruby_2023counts the invocatiosn of the methofs specified
178,808619dot_numberCheck for integer equality for any number using syntax like '.zero?'
178,808619knowThe Know Framework for Ruby
178,808619jekyll-fedeJekyll plugin wrapper for Fede
178,814618jekyll-string-theoryThe smallest jekyll theme in the universe!
178,814618nezekanA complete collection of security interfaces.
178,814618batchingAdds an in_batches to Enumerable
178,814618wikirbSimple Wikipedia API wrapper in Ruby.
178,814618addition_mariamA simple addition gem
178,814618bipolar_cacheProbabalistic caching toolkit useful for caching of database counters, and other operat...
178,814618erb-trimERB extension to add <%-=