Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178861-178880 of all 182,288 gems.
178,856611day_offsAdd day offs sources for different countries in a standardized manner
178,856611studio_game_dubesoftwareA console-based game written in Ruby. This game is the outcome of exercise work for th...
178,863610bancos_brasileiros🇧🇷 🏦 📋 Brazilian commercial banks list
178,863610hyde-decapHyde Decap is a plugin for Jekyll to add Decap CMS.
178,863610gitlab_checksPerform a number of common security checks against your GitLab organisation
178,867609s3_selectorStream s3 select results
178,867609rolebackRoleback provides a simple DSL to define RBAC rules for your application.
178,870608danilov-blogPersonal jekyll-theme for my website
178,870608hut_utilsA simple library that holds different utility methods and adds to default class like Ar...
178,870608required_structRequiredStruct Creates a Struct that enforces the specified keyword at initialization
178,870608openfeature-flagd-providerThe flagd provider for the OpenFeature Ruby SDK
178,874607anyqA gem that prints a random quote form a collection
178,874607event_sub_eventsTwitch EventSub webhook integration for Rails apps
178,874607md2starterA converter from Markdown to Re:VIEW Starter. It uses redcarpet.
178,874607ruby34Rule34 API wrapper in Ruby
178,874607verconCLI tool to generate test files with Cloude 3.
178,879606playwright-railsHelps you write Playwright tests of your Rails app
178,879606jekyll-youtube-embedA simple Jekyll YouTube embed gem. Syntax {% youtube video_id %}