Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
178881-178900 of all 182,288 gems.
178,881605api-response-presenterGem for presenting API responses from Faraday and RestClient.
178,881605labkit-rubyThis is not the labit you're looking for, please see gitlab-labkit
178,881605portertech-sensu-spawnThe Sensu spawn process library
178,881605fiber-annotateA mechanism for annotating fibers.
178,881605stac-clientA client for working with STAC API
178,881605coloraColorizes terminal outputs. Uses `Rouge::Formatters::Terminal256` to theme/color outpu...
178,881605vish02Write a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
178,888604pipeline_symbolsWrite a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
178,889603moostarThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
178,889603lita-double-troubledoubles numbers
178,889603buildkite-cliCLI for Buildkite, similar to gh for GitHub
178,889603json_spotterjson_spotter is a gem to process big json documents in a stream-way. It provides a spec...
178,889603danger-flutter_lint-no-filteroriginal: This is the fixed dange...
178,889603logstash-output-vespa_feedThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
178,889603model_guardSometimes you want to protect your models from being updated or destroyed directly. Thi...
178,889603whatsapp_cloud_api'This gem allow you connect to with Whatsapp Api cloud without third parties. You can ...
178,897602debendenciesScans executables and shared libraries for their shared library dependencies, and outpu...
178,897602duration_in_wordsConvert ActiveSupport::Duration objects to concise human readable formats like '2h 30m ...
178,899601kinkkink provides a unified syntax to mix and match for, while, do while, and until semanti...
178,899601piquePique is a Rails plugin that monitors your jobs.