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179101-179120 of all 182,301 gems.
179,095570verbose_migrationsEnable verbose logging for Active Record migrations, regardless of configured log level...
179,095570shoes-specThe Shoes Spec intends to test Shoes capability and compliance for different display li...
179,095570sf_symbol_converterConvert SVG icon to SFSymbol
179,095570pangea-component-dnsnetwork components
179,095570rabbit-slide-Piro-presentation-vanilla-js-library-topics[Nextbeat Tech Bar:第一回ライブラリ開発について考える会](での発表...
179,106569wrubyGenerates code for C/C++ code based on YAML sepcifications.
179,106569ip_shielddo it: Write a longer description or delete this line.
179,106569eve-sdeeve-sde is an extract, transform, load (ETL) pipeline for converting the EVE Online Sta...
179,106569rename_files_gemThis Gem provides functionality to recursively rename files in a given directory, apply...
179,106569pair-kit-dsl-factoryThis gem allows build custom DSL
179,111568idealpostcodesrbA Ruby library for the Ideal Postcodes API
179,111568deprecatedrbAn API for deprecating APIs.
179,111568flame_app_generatorGenerator for Flame web applications.
179,111568mailcatEasily test your emails in staging and visualize them in .
179,115567jekyll-sidenotesCreate sidenotes, like footnotes, in your jekyll blog by using [right] syn...
179,115567youtube-dataExtract youtube video information using ruby.
179,115567pdk-rubocopA Gem that provides Rubocop configuration to Puppet Modules and Tools.
179,115567rclrbAllows to communicate with ROS program.
179,115567logstash-input-pulsarThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
179,115567forwarder3Ruby's core Forwardable gets the job done(barely) and produces most unreadable code.