Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179701-179720 of all 182,301 gems.
179,696505google-apis-merchantapi_quota_v1betaThis is the simple REST client for Merchant API QuotaV1beta. Simple REST clients are Ru...
179,696505magister_cliThe CLI for the 'magister' gem
179,696505errordeckAn errordeck client for ruby
179,696505yjitPlaceholder to gemify YJIT
179,696505raterWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,696505fluent-plugin-natsslvnats plugin for fluentd, an event collector
179,707504dictionary_searchdictionary cli.
179,707504avchiits a test script
179,707504async-ollamaA asynchronous interface to the ollama chat service
179,707504validates_panamanian_taxpayer_registryValidates Panamanian Single Taxpayer Registry Document and test it with matchers in a s...
179,707504ruby_sokmilClient for the Sokmil Web Service API
179,707504codex32Ruby implementation of codex32
179,713503enrich-pod-patcherCreate & apply patches to Pods
179,713503rubocop-markdownRuboCop plugin for Ruby code blocks in Markdown.
179,713503protocol-quicQUIC protocol implementation using ngtcp2.
179,713503rbs_mini_magickGenerate mini_magick signature
179,713503papaSquidLibSimple ToDo app
179,713503flipper-proThis is not the gem you are looking for. See for the re...
179,713503jamies_studio_game_speedrunText based game with rounds and treasures
179,713503custom-chirpyA minimal, responsive and feature-rich Jekyll theme for technical writing.