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179901-179920 of all 182,339 gems.
179,901490sultangg505_gem_dealsThis gem contains models and controllers for deals app. You need to make your own reali...
179,901490maidenA simple republishing of a gps / maidenhead gridsquare converter with a few additions.
179,901490internal_toolsA gem to login internal tools
179,901490http-rspecInclude helpfull matchers for mathing statuscodes
179,901490leviathan_clientWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,901490hyku-knapsackThis gem provides a starting template for deploying Hyku, creating themes and adding ov...
179,901490josh_g_studio_gamepragmatic studio ruby course
179,901490extended_hash_methodsProvides additional methods for Ruby's Hash class like #keys_by_value and #invert_and_g...
179,901490sinatra-embedded-shopify-appA Sinatra extension for building Shopify Embedded Apps. Akin to the shopify_app gem but...
179,901490fastlane-plugin-update_version_nameUpdates the versionName in the build.gradle file of an Android project
179,911489portable_expressionsA simple and flexible pure Ruby library for building and evaluating expressions.
179,911489simple_ragSimple Rag is a lightweight library that transforms any Ruby project into a simple RAG ...
179,911489logicalA silly Ruby implementation of some mathematical logic concepts.
179,911489bharatWrite a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
179,911489jruby-prism-parserPrism JRuby Parser Support
179,911489cocoapods-packageallA short description of cocoapods-packageall.
179,911489sayanoyudokoroSayano yudokoro shows the degree of congestion in the hall by the image. It is difficul...
179,911489apinatorNow in development
179,911489itrg-invokerSomething small for process management
179,920488ruby_jarvisThis gem will provide you openai Api access right in your console to use chatgpt like f...