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Most downloads over all time
179921-179940 of all 182,339 gems.
179,920488activerecord-ibmi-adapterThis is an Active Record adapter for Rails, meant to be used with ODBC connections.
179,920488indonesia_timezoneThe Indonesia Timezone gem allows users to easily obtain the time in the Western, Easte...
179,920488decidim-verifications-simple_impersonationAdd a verification for impersonation only.
179,920488primitiveToolboxIncluding Higher order array functionality, typechecking etc..
179,920488redux-on-railsY'all didn't want it but now you're getting it.
179,920488ycvThis gem allows for the conversion of CSV files to YAML format suitable for Rails fixtu...
179,920488convertmeRequire convertme and pass the currencies + amount to convert to different currencies!
179,920488vaporware-compilerVaporware is the vaporware.
179,920488gsd-databaseProvides an easy way to interact with the GSD Database via Ruby.
179,920488xita_meanEssa gems soma os numeros de um array e divide pelo tamanho do array
179,920488volvivolvi gem
179,920488extreeXML-like data definition build in ruby code.
179,920488chime-rspec-uuidThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
179,920488erganeLibrary for creating lightweight, yet powerful CLI tools in Ruby. Emphasis and priority...
179,920488memohSave your SSH connection details with memoh and connect to any saved host by name
179,920488quran-audioDownloads recitations of The Noble Quran from
179,937487month.rbThis library enables the use of numeric or text representations of months, conversions ...
179,937487fluent-plugin-diss-natsnats plugin for fluentd, an event collector
179,937487decidim-survey_resultsThis module enables the admins to show survey results to participants though a new surv...
179,937487greek_to_english_slugifyMake slugs from greek to english