Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179941-179960 of all 183,155 gems.
179,939555seizaReturn seiza.
179,939555logstash-output-s3-zstThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
179,939555omg-actionmailboxReceive and process incoming emails in Rails applications.
179,939555imdhemy-jekyll-themeWrite a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
179,939555pure_sapphireConsume multiple APIs from mutli sources like Reddit, Twitter and more using pure funct...
179,939555exec2Small interface wrapping Process::spawn
179,939555minimalistaMinimalista: yet another minimalist jekyll-theme
179,948554typed_paramssstyped params
179,948554uptrieverUpload documenbts to Trieve
179,948554autometricsAdd developer-friendly observability to your Ruby code with minimal setup
179,948554poole-for-jekyll-testThe Jekyll Butler. A no frills responsive Jekyll blog theme.
179,948554wikirate4rubyThe Wikirate4ruby is an open-source ruby library for the Wikirate API.
179,948554arkenstone-openAn Open Source ActiveRecord replacement over REST
179,948554jekyll-theme-default-blueDefault blue is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
179,948554suckysocketsThe suckysockets gem provides the user with the opportunity to check whether a power ad...
179,948554slightly-betterUltra minimal jekyll theme that gets out of its own way
179,948554gemnew1add descripption
179,948554config-var-rails-rc0This is a test gem.
179,948554gtk_layer_shellThis is a set of Ruby bindings for the GTK3 version of GtkLayerShell, which is a librar...
179,948554ez_graphsThis lib provides a bunch of useful classes for working with different kinds of graphs ...