Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179941-179960 of all 182,339 gems.
179,937487deezDeez gems do work
179,937487isp_monitorA simple CLI to monitor your home network + ISP
179,937487imc_zicaCalculates the IMC by passing the weight and height of a person
179,937487bp3-stringbp3-string adapts the String class for BP3 (persuavis/black_phoebe_3).
179,937487pay_with_extendExtend is a Ruby gem that provides a simple interface to the Extend API. It allows you ...
179,937487unipropA Library for the Management and Analysis of Unicode Properties
179,937487rugoA Micro Framework for Ruby
179,948486cocoapods-byte-panglemA short description of cocoapods-byte-panglem.
179,948486kaminari-jets-corekaminari-core includes pagination logic independent from ORMs and view libraries
179,948486elessarA simple SDK for Murilo Zaffalon, Elessar - In the book, Elessar is a green gemstone th...
179,948486uniflakeThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
179,948486laptopgem to give laptop details.
179,948486discord_webhooksGem that allows for easy interface with Discord's webhooks to send messages to server c...
179,948486pg_pool_safe_queryLog queries that are incompatible with a Postgres pooler in transaction mode.
179,956485email_generatorThis gem generates random email addresses with customizable domains and username lengths.
179,956485wptoolsWordPress tools
179,956485erbrAllows easy ERB layout rendering with embbed variables
179,956485retainerRetention policy plan generator.
179,960484philly_frb_as_dataframeAlternative economic and financial data from the Philadelphia FRB