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179981-180000 of all 182,339 gems.
179,972483portable_textA ruby renderer for Sanity Portable Text
179,982482shopifightThis is an example application used by Daniel Cheron in The Pragmatic Studio's Ruby Pro...
179,982482globeglitterDistorteD UUID/GUID library
179,982482arantes_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
179,982482meta_field_apiThis Rails engine provides APIs for managing meta fields through a RESTful interface. I...
179,982482huginn_alimconfiance_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,982482string_manipulatorThis gem provides for converting strings to various format
179,982482pronto-rubocop-ruby-2.6Pronto runner for Rubocop, ruby code analyzer
179,982482solid_agentA simple way to make Ruby AI Agents
179,982482ultimate_enumerableAdds a few methods for grabbing the last few elements of an array, string, or other cla...
179,982482rabbit-slide-daipom-open-source-summit-japan-2023-fluent-packageOpen Source Summit Japan 2023 slide.
179,982482rowdyRoutes Rack::Requests to classes
179,982482string_thingA lightweight library for encoding and decoding strings using various patterns.
179,982482foobara-spec-helpersCommon spec helpers used in various Foobara projects.
179,982482smart-botCreate a Bot that is smart and so easy to expand, create new bots on demand, run ruby c...
179,996481unipumpPumps time registrations from DANAK to Uniconta
179,996481eldFirebase Authentication for Ruby applications.
179,996481hola_higoramorimgem to test how to create a gem
179,996481speed_checkSpeedCheck provides a simple way to limit the number of requests or actions performed b...