Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179961-179980 of all 182,339 gems.
179,960484motor-alexandermohan-admin-panelCustomised admin panel for alexanderMOHAN projects.
179,960484patoisFor building chatbot agents.
179, provides a reliable & scalable IP lookup API for software developers. I...
179,960484string_enhancerThe StringEnhancer gem extends the Ruby string class with additional methods for format...
179,960484omniauth-kerberos-clearlyipAn OmniAuth strategy for Kerberos that works with OmniAuth 2.0
179,960484embulk-filter-column-allA filter plugin for Embulk to filter out columns.
179,960484compliance-owaspCompliance requirements for OWASP Application Security Verification Standard.
179,960484filesystem_queueFilesystemQueue is a Ruby gem that provides a persistent queue system using the local f...
179,960484midjourneyMidjourney API + Ruby! 🤖🌌
179,960484dynamic_footerThis lightweight gem allows you to effortlessly add the current year to your footer. Th...
179,960484codeclimate_diffA developer command line tool to see how your branch has affected code quality
179,972483titleize_brRails String#titleize but with brazilian ABNT rules.
179,972483daqing-wechat-payA simple Wechat pay ruby gem in api V3.
179,972483fluent-plugin-rabbitmq-sklenarfluent plugin for rabbitmq (AMQP)
179,972483verdaIssue, verify & manage Verifiable Credentials
179,972483infosec_myappPrints 'Hello, world!' when called
179,972483concerned_with_zeitwerkconcerned_with method can be used for code spliting in model files
179,972483keycloak_3scale_usersA CLI gem for migrating the end users accounts of 3scale to keycloak realm.
179,972483fluent-plugin-aliyun-sls_ruby3Aliyun SLS output plugin for Fluentd event collector
179,972483huginn_twitter_publishv2_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.