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Most downloads over all time
180001-180020 of all 182,339 gems.
179,996481kpi_view_toolprovides generated HTML data for Rails Applications.
179,996481holodekkRuby interfaces for the Holodekk platform.
179,996481burroughsSwiss army knife Discord bot for The Sanctuary.
179,996481rltk3The Ruby Language Toolkit provides classes for creating context-free grammars, lexers, ...
179,996481omiOmi is a modular, batteries-included toolkit for building command line applications of ...
179,996481gc-stressPlaceholder for future work on gc-stress
179,996481typed_params_0typed params
180,009480provision-vagrantEasily spin up new Ubuntu/etc vagrant VM development boxes, provisioned to your exact s...
180,009480ke2dairaA Ruby implementation of ke2daira
180,009480vocab-to-ankiFetch translations and definitions and generate an Anki CSV file
180,009480google-garbageThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
180,009480coffeebrew_jekyll_paginateA Jekyll plugin to generate pagination for site collections
180,009480yamlstarA cross-language, common API YAML reference framework
180,009480graphlitRuby SDK Client Library for Graphlit API
180,009480devise-one-time-passwordableThis Devise extension adds the ability for users to authenticate with one-time password...
180,009480parity_prop_alexA gem to split an array of intergers by parity
180,018479damerau-levenshtein-al2023This gem implements pure Levenshtein algorithm, Damerau modification (where 2 character...
180,018479hackrfThis gem provides Ruby bindings for the HackRF library.
180,018479text_decoratorColoring the text with desired color