Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180021-180040 of all 183,155 gems.
180,009548decidim-kidsA module for promoting kids participation in Decidim.
180,009548gtk-scarpeShoes is a GUI DSL standard for writing desktop windowed apps in Ruby. Scarpe implement...
180,009548moshigemMy first moshi gem
180,009548openwrt-luciAPI Client to communicate with OpenWRT via the Luci interface. This is an unofficial pr...
180,009548rails_callback_exInsert/delete callbacks for rails.
180,009548cerberus_123A simple Ruby gem that provides Cerberus-related functionality
180,009548unifi-controllerA client for communicating with the UniFi Controller. This is an unofficial project.
180,028547udt-itf-themeModification of IIIF Jekyll gem theme for UDT-ITF spec.
180,028547green_dotsExperimental test framework
180,028547autocopperThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
180,028547solidus_legacy_promotionsLegacy Solidus promotion system
180,028547random_string_password_generatorGenerate random string password
180,028547bridgetown_revealSupport adding reveal.js presentations to a Bridgetown site.
180,028547configslA simple, modular, extensible DSL for configuration.
180,028547openc3-cosmos-hostAllows COSMOS to execute arbitrary commands on the host
180,028547ycvThis gem allows for the conversion of CSV files to YAML format suitable for Rails fixtu...
180,028547turbo-uiTurbo powered UI components
180,028547smart_proxy_hdmRead hiera data via HDM to display alongside hosts in Foreman