Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180021-180040 of all 182,339 gems.
180,018479free_currency-APIProvides easier interaction with the freecurrencyAPI REST API
180,018479maglevcms-shrineChanges assets management in Maglev CMS to use Shrine.
180,018479coffeebrew_jekyll_mermaidA Jekyll plugin to render Mermaid diagrams and flowcharts with options to configure themes
180,018479vcarinhas_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
180,018479blockbeeRuby implementation of BlockBee's payment gateway
180,018479fsimpsimplifies some standard file operations. New is a bundled init/create/open, read, writ...
180,018479chef-secretsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
180,029478mintingLibrary to manipulate currency values
180,029478jfh-gitlab-cliGitlab CLI in ruby, use gem gitlab
180,029478hetzner_dnsA Ruby library for the HetznerDNS API
180,029478ai18nAI tools for Internationalization (I18n).
180,029478omg-activesupportA toolkit of support libraries and Ruby core extensions extracted from the Rails framew...
180,029478interactors_mindmapGenerate mindmap chart for Interactors.
180,029478split_arrayPartition an array of even/odd integers.
180,029478spacetimerbRuby bindings for Spacetime, a Lisp-like language for getting and computing datetimes.
180,029478alfalfa-libLibrary and measures to create input and output points in Alfalfa
180,039477hashlittleBob Jenkins' hashlittle and hashlittle2 non-cryptographic hash functions.
180,039477object_oculusObjectOculus is a ruby tool for viewing all of an object's methods and seeing what thos...