Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180041-180060 of all 182,339 gems.
180,039477first_holaA simple hello world gem
180,039477hola_shopping_cartAre you tired of shopping on over-designed webshops? Hola Shopping Cart is a simple...
180,039477dot_optionsConvert any hash to a deep dot-notation object
180,039477playwirePlaywire CLI (Command Line Interface) to achieve common tasks while using Playwire prod...
180,039477fmeditUtilities for editing frontmatter in markdown files
180,039477rails-pdf-rendererHelper library to generate PDFs from Rails.
180,039477falqonSimple, efficient messaging queue for Ruby
180,048476moex_iss_clientThis gem allows to interact with Moscow Exchange ISS API
180,048476hello23Just a gem to greet use
180,048476typelizerA TypeScript type generator for Ruby serializers.
180,048476footballdb-datafootballdb-data - built-in (default) football data incl. leagues & cups, clubs, grounds...
180,048476hanami-cucumberHanami Cucumber generators and Rake tasks
180,048476openai-ruby-clientA Ruby gem designed to provide developers with a convenient and easy-to-use client libr...
180,054475neo_radRuby Arduino Development: a framework for programming the Arduino physcial computing pl...
180,054475studio_game_zandsterA command-line game of chance and treasure.
180,054475star_wars_droid_namerA simple gem to allow generation of random droid names given some inputs
180,054475uule_converter_lightA Ruby library for encoding and decoding UULE parameters in Google search URLs using co...
180,054475active_intelligenceRails engine for AI tasks
180,059474go_puff-tax_serviceTax service integration that was made initially for Avalara
180,059474ruby-packagethis is testing