Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180061-180080 of all 183,155 gems.
180,053545rubymonolithCLI used to create Rails monoliths by Rocketship for quickly building applications.
180,053545rabbit-slide-daipom-open-source-summit-japan-2023-fluent-packageOpen Source Summit Japan 2023 slide.
180,063544suez_mon_eauRetrieve water usage information from Suez in France
180,063544logstash-output-mqtt2Logstash MQTT OUTPUT to manage real time actions
180,063544railstackMy Rails apps need few common tools. This gem extracts them into a single place.
180,063544minitest_httplogDetect unmocked HTTP requests in your tests
180,063544rxer-apiSimple HTTP-client for
180,063544teal_toadTealToad gives you all the tools required to create gradient based AI algorithms such a...
180,063544feishuA simple hello world gem
180,063544chime-messagingThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
180,063544nblog_zonFile to Clipboard gem
180,063544coveManage containers with easy
180,063544numerical_notationSimplified numerical notations for easier comprehension of large numbers.
180,063544call_your_nameUsing the cyn method returns a greeting for a string given as an argument.
180,063544kkiapayKKiaPay Ruby SDK
180,063544missy-studio-gameGem that plays a game with multiple rounds and players. s
180,063544rot135'Encrypts' named files or STDIN using ROT13.
180,063544extreeXML-like data definition build in ruby code.
180,080543logstash-filter-ipinfo-dbLogstash Filter Plugin for IPinfoDb