Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
180061-180080 of all 182,339 gems.
180,059474b-discourse-omniauth-jwtAn OmniAuth strategy to accept JWT-based single sign-on.
180,059474studio_game_ali# GAMING
180,059474logstash-filter-ua_parser这是一个使用user_agent_parser解析useragent的logstash filter插件
180,059474musicube_api_client_rubyThis is the Songtradr API. Use it to retrieve deep music metadata and trigger processes...
180,065473prefsA small library to search for config files in standard locations.
180,065473simple_locizeA lightweight library for handling translations via the Locize API
180,065473tbuilderPLACEHOLDER GEM
180,065473chatbotkitChatBotKit helps you create conversational AI chatbots with your own data to communicat...
180,065473merge-patchmerge-patch implements a library and a command-line interface to RFC 7396 Merge-Patch
180,065473wsuiwebsockets-based HTML GUI for Ruby runtime objects
180,065473cupido-apiPlaceholder gem for cupido-api
180,065473timescaledb-sequelTimescaleDB Sequel integration
180,065473chime-gem-releaseThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
180,065473thirdweb-sdkThirdweb SDK for ruby
180,065473rlicrlic is an iso creator in ruby
180,065473validates_identity-co_ccValidates Colombia CC Document and test it with matchers in a simple way.
180,077472supafuncRuby Client library to interact with Supabase Functions.
180,077472null_associationDecorate nil Active Record associations with a null object in Rails.
180,077472huaweicloud-smshuaweicloud-sms is a light and easy to use gem. It could help developers quickly utiliz...