Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181241-181260 of all 182,288 gems.
181,240311nse_dataRetrieves stock market data from the NSE (National Stock Exchange) of India
181,240311solmuComing soon...
181,240311nokogiri-backportNokogiri (鋸) makes it easy and painless to work with XML and HTML from Ruby. It provide...
181,240311studio_game_kevinPlay a dice rolling game!
181,240311hola_ttkfirst gem of mine
181,240311interfacedModule that providers Java-like interfaces for Ruby. It lets you define a set a met...
181,240311testcontainers-seleniumTestcontainers makes it easy to create and clean up container-based dependencies for au...
181,240311embulk-filter-addprefixEmbulk filter plugin to add arbitrary prefixes to all columns.
181,240311ruby_arithmeticPerform arithmetic operations easily using inbuild function
181,240311publishing_platform_sidekiqProvides standard setup and behaviour for Sidekiq in Publishing Platform applications.
181,251310kamal_uiThe KamalUi gem is a Rails engine designed to streamline the process of configuring dep...
181,251310pg_query_optimizerpg_query_optimizer is a gem that improving the performance of complex queries specifica...
181,251310decidim-spam_signalSpam signal module for Decidim.
181,251310remote_translation_loaderThe remote_translation_loader gem allows you to fetch YAML translation files from remot...
181,251310test_palindrome_gemAllows for "Racecar".palindrome? for strings, returning true. Works for strings of uppe...
181,251310parasolA Ruby Shader Library
181,251310oracle_db_script_producerSQL script tool that can programmatically create create, insert, update, delete, trunc ...
181,251310mysql2-aws_rds_iamMysql2::AwsRdsIam is an extension of mysql2 gem that adds support of IAM authentication...
181,251310sort_inGem to be sorted in the order specified in the in clause
181,251310synchronize_postgres_stored_proceduresMaintain your stored procedures in a single file per procedure, not spread across multi...