Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181261-181280 of all 182,288 gems.
181,261309world_time_in_rubyGives the current time anywhere in the world
181,261309unicorn-maintainedunicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications that has done decades of damage to the ...
181,261309share_withModel and build up sharing links from yaml files to HTML code.
181,261309turtlesTurtles all the way down.
181,261309hbsdctl.rbRuby bindings for libhbsdcontrol
181,261309tailwind_ui_view_componentsTailwind UI View Components for Rails
181,261309jotdownjotdown is a short markdown
181,269308python_uml_classCreate a Python UML class diagram with PlangUml.
181,269308codefly-sdk10x your development with codefly.
181,269308studio_game_practice_gemRandom movie rating console app
181,269308vagrant-luccych-helloworldWrite a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
181,269308sprocketuiReserved Package
181,269308microgradRuby implementation of karpathy/micrograd
181,269308metronome_apimetronome_api 1.0.0
181,269308activeimaginationActiveImagination facilitates using LLMs to generate ActiveRecord content
181,278307roadsinghroadsingh k gem
181,278307netd_mngrcnetd is a small userspace server that allows for cnet to request port forwards and oth...
181,278307codalioThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.