Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181321-181340 of all 183,147 gems.
181,314395testingthemeBasic Jekyll theme for any type of websites.
181,322394unicodedata_rbRuby wrapper for unicode data.
181,322394trf1_ruby_utilsPut here de description.
181,322394moonpencePretty stats for rack-based web apps in your terminal.
181,322394strapi_modelAn ORM to interact with Strapi headless CMS in Ruby on Rails.
181,322394rabbit-slide-daipom-recent-fluentd-with-splunk2024-09-19 ๆ™‚็‚นใ€‚
181,327393nostrbaseCreate private and public keys, sign events and validate their signature and schema
181,327393raikar08MSdocs-theme-Write a short summary, because Rubygems requires one.
181,327393ruby-svgSimply Ruby wrapper to generate SVG files
181,327393log_reduxA simple but rather customizable logging library for Ruby
181,327393kraakenKraaken helps you deploy your applications with docker, traefik and cloudflare tunnels.
181,327393plutonHello World
181,333392api_chaiServe up smooth API integrations lightly steeped in graceful errors, Sentry & NewRelic ...
181,333392denormalizesDenormalize attributes to and from Active Record associations.
181,335391rainbow_unicornColors for Ruby
181,335391mutexReally not what you wanted.
181,335391raikar04A short explanation of my awesome gem theme.
181,335391huginn_geforcenow_status_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
181,335391dnslook_cliSearch your domain DNS records