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181281-181300 of all 183,147 gems.
181,281399rrx_devRuby on Rails core development support
181,281399active_storage_bunnyActiveStorageBunny is a gem that integrates BunnyCDN storage services with Active Storage.
181,281399libkeycloak== libkeycloak for Ruby This gem is a wrapper around libkeycloak (
181,281399cybermotsCyberMots est le dictionnaire francophone de la cybersécurité ; cet outil en ligne de c...
181,281399media_trimTrim an audio or video file using ffmpeg - Works with all formats supported by ffmpeg,...
181,281399properbA property-based testing library, in the spirit of Proper in Erlang, with tight integra...
181,281399cleanioRemove comments from Ruby files
181,281399parity_arrA gem to partition an array of integers based on parity
181,281399nevaehNevaeh is my ai that powers all my software development
181,281399sincerThis gem is used to get how many minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years have passed...
181,281399noobHello world
181,292398irb-theme-iceberg🟦 Bluish color scheme for irb
181,292398model-ancestryGem to handle parent model logic.
181,292398net-http-message_signaturesA Ruby implementation of HTTP Message Signatures
181,292398atomic_viewComponent library built for Ruby on Rails with first-class support for ActionView using...
181,292398hotwire_datepickerA datecpicker exclusively for Rails apps with Hotwire and Stimulus.
181,292398ec2spotec2spot create uses the AWS API to fetch spot prices for a list of instance types. It i...
181,292398rebusRebus template language compiler based on Ruby dynamic evaluation. Minimalistic and cus...
181,292398d13nWrite a longer description or delete this line.
181,300397cryptophysh# Cryptophysh My attempt to produce a solution to the requirements listed [here](https...