Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181281-181300 of all 182,288 gems.
181,278307kanrisuru-coreKanrisuru helps manage remote servers with objected oriented ruby. Results come ba...
181,278307pluton8Building blocks for building API Clients
181,283306air_khoa2test test
181,283306gl-commandImplementation of the Command Pattern
181,283306ruby-instructorDive into the world of Python-based structured extraction, empowered by OpenAI's cuttin...
181,283306lernena simple automata leraning library
181,283306heroic_iconsSimple render heroicons svg inline
181,283306minifyrbA minifier of Ruby files.
181,283306validates_identity-pe_rucValidates Peru RUC Document and test it with matchers in a simple way.
181,283306travis_dpl_testDpl (dee-pee-ell) is a tool made for continuous deployment, running deployments at Trav...
181,283306itamae-plugin-resource-flatpakitamae-plugin-resource-flatpak is a Itamae resource plugin for Flatpak.
181,292305radiocarbonFast calibration of radiocarbon dates.
181,292305raihaSuper wip.
181,292305chime-beraterThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
181,292305serpapi-uule-converterA Ruby library for encoding and decoding UULE parameters in Google search URLs using co...
181,292305actionagentActionAgent provide a convenient way to create LLM agents in Ruby.
181,292305passport_incWill be used for the passportinc API integration.
181,298304convertioConvert mass, distance, temperature to different units
181,298304include_allA wonderfully simple way to include modules from your code
181,298304brestDeclarative REST-api multifunctional tool for REST-APIs whenever ActiveRecord is used