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181301-181320 of all 182,288 gems.
181,298304ZOHOCRMSDK7_0An API client for CRM customers, with which they can call ZOHO CRM APIs with ease
181,298304sinatra-scaffoldRuby gem to make more easy the getting start of web app development with Sinatra gem
181,298304atemi_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
181,304303bellaLatinizer for Belarusian language.
181,304303sorbet-optionAdds Typed::Option to sorbet-runtime, which is a basic, strongly-typed Option monad
181,304303board-sse-linuxfr.orgUsers of the website can chat on a space called the board (« la tribune » i...
181,304303gtfskitRuby library and binding for the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS)
181,304303sqlite_ftsAll the missing glue to use the SQLite FTS
181,304303pincode_finderThis gem takes a pincode as input and returns the associated district and state.
181,304303lesli_letterNotes & Notebooks for the Lesli Framework.
181,304303codalio_aiThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
181,304303dorpActiveRecord Multi-tenant
181,304303sti_fallbackFall back to base model on missing STI subclasses in ActiveRecord
181,314302react_for_railsEnables using React components in Rails apps. Inspired by react_on_rails
181,314302readysetThis gem provides a Rails adapter to the ReadySet SQL cache.
181,314302validates_identity-cl_rutValidates Chile RUT Document and test it with matchers in a simple way.
181,314302rack-influxdbA rack middleware for logging requests to InfluxDB
181,318301omg-actioncableStructure many real-time application concerns into channels over a single WebSocket con...
181,318301mel-scene-fsmUses TTY::Prompt and state_machines, extracted implementation
181,318301shell_on_rubyShell on Ruby is a convenient subprocess interface that allows you to call any program ...