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181381-181400 of all 183,139 gems.
181,376386rubysolrubysol - ruby for (blockchain) layer 1 (l1) contracts / protocols with "off-chain" ind...
181,376386huffifyHuffify is a Ruby gem that provides functionality to encode and decode text data using ...
181,376386jade_uiA library of UI components for Ruby on Rails built on top of Tailwind CSS.
181,376386meta_bookwormProgram to build context around Chef cookbook code
181,376386feed2threadReads an Atom feed and posts its entries to Threads
181,376386atprotoATProto is a gem for interacting with servers that implement the AT protocol, such as b...
181,376386postype_railsPostypeRails can help you automate when you post in your Postype Blog.
181,388385url_ban_listBan attackers when they try to access to restricted urls
181,388385attr_magicThe tools to ease lazy attribute implementation
181,388385newgem1234aaaaa bbbbbb cccccc
181,388385dispersionPrism-powered syntax highlighter for Ruby
181,388385aissueThis gem creates a new issue on GitHub by using AI.
181,388385hypertextqlSQL database backed by HTML files, HypertextQL spec, and reference implementation (Ruby)
181,388385pegasosHello World
181,388385middlemarchThis gem simply prints "Hello, Middlemarch!"
181,388385magellanalyticsSimplifies configuration and event dispatch from Segment's analytics gem for ease-of-us...
181,397384arithA gem providing the four basic arithmetic operations
181,397384kansai_train_infoyou can check train info in kansai area
181,397384coalescerEnables coalesce chaining values
181,397384gh_draft_issues_converterConvert GitHub's DraftIssues to Issues