Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181401-181420 of all 182,301 gems.
181,399290googscrapegoogle image marquee scraper.
181,399290bake-changesChanges document management.
181,403289snm-enum-transitionActive Record ENUM based state machine. Whether you can control enum transation from on...
181,403289ollama-rbThe Ollama Ruby library provides the easiest way to integrate your Ruby project with Ol...
181,403289embulk-input-oracle_debugSelects records from a table.
181,403289taqlTaql allows you to pretty print SQL table queries in Rails.
181,407288orioleA fast GraphQL engine written in pure Ruby.
181,408287validates_guatemala_identityValidates Guatemala Identity Document and test it with matchers in a simple way.
181,408287io-pipeAn extension to the backtick method to allow additional optionsto be passed to the comm...
181,408287parity_partA gem to partition an array of integers based on parity
181,408287multi-auth-project-sdkthis is testingpackage please ignore
181,412286cupido-api-domainPlaceholder gem for cupido-api
181,412286ruby-method-argumentsThe 'method_arguments' gem simplifies the process of setting object attributes from met...
181,412286decidim-only_formsComponent for create surveys with multiple answers'
181,412286credit_card_generatorThis library generates credit card numbers using the Luhn algorithm, suitable for testi...
181,412286main_branch_shared_rubocop_configShared Rubocop configuration for the main-branch organization
181,412286logstash-codec-key-order-json-linesThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
181,412286gumroad-apiA simple Ruby client for the Gumroad API.
181,420285decidim-external_newsletterRemove the newsletter system from Decidim, to use an external form for newsletter regis...