Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181441-181460 of all 182,276 gems.
181,435277wineskillsWineskills: all the best wines
181,435277rbs-traceRBS::Trace collects argument types and return value types using TracePoint, and inserts...
181,435277dryer_clientsGiven a description of an API, generates a ruby client for that API.
181,435277string_magicThe StringMagic gem enriches Ruby's string class by adding a suite of versatile methods...
181,435277motion-cross-platformProvides a common starting point for cross-platform RubyMotion gems and applications.
181,446276minimalismRemoval Unrequired assets, Just apply
181,446276process_sipMake ad-hoc adapters for CLIs to interface with from Ruby.
181,446276omg-activejobDeclare job classes that can be run by a variety of queuing backends.
181,446276PolygonClientA simple client for accessing the Polygon Finance API
181,446276cloverapiThis gem allows to fetch the data from Clover through the Clover APIs themselves
181,446276homewizardA Ruby wrapper for the HomeWizard APIs (readonly)
181,446276eir_report_interfaceWrite a longer description or delete this line.
181,446276fuel_network_graphql_api_clientA ruby client for the Fuel Network GraphQL API
181,446276moco-rubyA Ruby Gem to interact with the MOCO ( API.
181,446276srackRuby library to enable Sinatra apps to be run in AWS Lambda
181,457275sso-elements-fmksimple sso elements editor for ruby
181,457275loquendo-rubyA simple gem for using as speech synthesis in Ruby
181,457275quidaxRuby gem for Quidax
181,457275omg-activerecordDatabases on Rails. Build a persistent domain model by mapping database tables to Ruby ...